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All materials must be submitted in English. Please make sure that only original work is being submitted (not previously published/copyrighted).  One article should not exceed five co-authors. The volume of a manuscript should be 8-12 pages (with references).  Authors may use MsWord or LaTex when preparing a manuscript for submission. Font: Times New Roman — 12 pt., line spacing: 1.0 pt.

Manuscripts must be designed in accordance with the template.

It is recommended to divide the main text of the article into subchapters and adhere to the logical structure of IMRAD:

• Introduction;
• Materials and Methods;
• Results;
• Discussion;
• Conclusion;
• Acknowledgment;
• References.

Abstracts should contain 70-150 words. Abstract should include objective, methods, results, and conclusion (IMRAD). It is an independent text describing the main results of the research without reference to the article, so reference citations and abbreviations must be avoided.

The formulas should be typed in MS Equation Editor or MathType and should be numbered.

The text should contain references to all tables and figures. Tables and figures should be numbered continuously. All tables and figures should have titles. The reference to the data source(s) must be placed under each table and figure.

Each article will be reviewed by the conference editors and reviewers.